Bread of Life Rector's Council
Members: Bishop Michael Davidson; Fr. Chris Keough; Fr. Dennis Kubena, Deacon Ralph Modjeska, Bob Logan, Dick Stout, Pete Howard
The Rector's Council meets the second Friday of each month after the 9 a.m. Mass and as needed. Next Meeting: Financial Statements available January 12, 2024, next sit down meeting is February 9, 2024.
The Rector's Council is responsible for giving advice and counsel to the Rector using Holy Spirit Consensus Government. The Rector's Council is the official decision making body of the congregation, and may receive guidance from the Parish Council, a separate advisory body. The Bishop of the Diocese is always an ex-officio member of a parish's Rector's Council.
Canon 5.4 On Parish Government
- A. The chief pastor of the parish shall be the Diocesan Bishop.
- B. The Bishop shall be represented by Priests and Deacons serving under the Bishop.
- C. The Rector of the Parish has full authority in all Parish concerns, in conformance with the Holy Scriptures, Apostolic Tradition, and the Canon Law of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.
- All staff members serve at the pleasure of the Rector. He is the official employer of the Parish.
- The Rector has the responsibility and authority in the disbursement of all Parish Funds. The Rector may use the Rector's Council and/or an Executive Finance Committee for advice and counsel in this regard.
- The Rector is an ex officio member of every Council in his jurisdiction.
- D. Councils
- The Rector's Council, comprised of the Rector, Priests appointed by the Rector, and other men who serve at the discretion of the Rector, is the authoritative body of the Parish.
- a. New members shall be confirmed by the consensus of the Rector's Council.
- b. The Diocesan Bishop shall be an ex officio member of all Rector's Councils within the Diocese. When present, it is the Bishop's privilege to preside.
- c. The Rector's Council shall follow the rules of Government by Consensus.
- The Parish Council shall be the administrative and advisory body of the Parish and shall be comprised of those serving in various leadership roles within the Parish.
- The Rector's Council, comprised of the Rector, Priests appointed by the Rector, and other men who serve at the discretion of the Rector, is the authoritative body of the Parish.
- E. The spirit of government in every Parish should be that of government by consensus, with the Clergy and other leadership working together in a spirit of concord, a bonded community freely and generally consenting to the Lord's leadership under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.